"The only Light in the darkness is the Sacred Heart of My Son." Veronica - Now in the center, over the flagpole, there's a large white heart. Now it's turning a very deep, deep, deep red..ah..red orange. Oh..oh, it's, it's very large. It covers the whole sky. Now Our Lady is floating over; and She's reaching out; and She's placing Her hand over the heart. And now She's pointing over, and the sky is becoming filled with people..many, many people, but they're walking, and they're carrying crosses of their backs. Many are wearing crowns of thorns on their heads. Our Lady says: Our Lady - "See, My child, many who will go the way of the cross before the final cleansing."
Our Lady - "Do not sorrow, My child. It is with joy that they carry their cross for My Son. The world - your world - does not know the value of suffering, My child. If they did, there would be more who would offer themselves to My Son for the mercy of the Father in the days to come. Accept all suffering with joy." 730608
"There are many who are carrying, My child, heavy crosses. Many of these crosses will be taken from them, but We ask others to carry them with perseverance and purpose. For it is their sacrifice that will be instrumental in the recovery of many souls. Know the value of suffering." 731207
"Beyond the veil are the Kingdoms of Heaven and the kingdom of the prince of darkness. Do not sorrow, My child, for you have knowledge that not all will enter the Kingdom without cleansing. How much better it would be if man would learn the value of suffering, and serve his purgatory upon earth, for very few have entered into the Kingdom without a purification." 731224
"It is with great joy that We tell you that the message of Heaven has reached many. You see, My child, you become discouraged, but you must realize that nothing is impossible with the Father. No man will stand in the way of the Father when He sets out to save a soul. Learn the value of suffering, for with suffering, you can save many souls." 740201
"Know the value of suffering. You must be thoroughly cleansed before entering the Kingdom of Heaven. Either you will be cleansed in your worldly life or you will suffer over the veil." 740318
"There have been upon earth many voices heard in Heaven, voices of speculation. Dates are not necessary, My child. What need is there for dates, but that you be prepared at all times? Were I to give you a date, mankind would turn and mend their ways, but of what actual value would this be to the soul of mankind? For when the danger to his human nature is over, he will return to his sinful ways. No, My child, I shall not give dates. I shall tell you to be prepared at all times. This assurance I will give My children of Light. They will not be caught unprepared, for I have promised to be with you through the battle ahead." 740413
"I promise you, I will be with you to the Second Coming, the return of My Son in glorious triumph over the great forces of evil now rampant in your world. Do not be afeared, My child. Look forward with great joy in the knowledge that the Father chastises those He loves. Know, learn the value of suffering, for it is in this manner that many will escape purgatory. I assure you, My child, could man look into purgatory, he would beg to find, he would search out every moment of his life upon earth a manner to purge himself by penance and suffering. The years are few upon your earth; time beyond the veil is forever and endless." 740522
"It is only in suffering, My child, that you will learn compassion for the sufferer. The world, My children, has forgotten the value of suffering. How many graces you earn when you make good use of your suffering and your trials, for you have within your power graces that can retrieve from Purgatory many souls who are waiting. Your acts of sacrifice and sufferings may also rescue your brothers and sisters who otherwise would fall fast into the abyss, for they have no one to sacrifice or do penance for them, My child. We ask for many victim souls, My child, victims for the merciful Heart of My Son, victims who will offer themselves for the balance to mankind." 750210
"At the end of penance is a great joy. Man has forgotten and closed his heart to the value of suffering. The Father, the Eternal Father and your God, allows you to suffer for reason. It is the purification of your soul." 750329
"You will not understand the value of suffering. It is a source of great strength of spirit. Pick up your cross, My child, and go forward without fear." "You cannot expect rest in this life, My child, for you will rest as you wish, over the veil." 750906