"I, as your Mother, I am terribly depressed in knowing what is fast coming upon mankind. I see beyond me a ball, a large ball. Were it placed next to the sun, this ball would be like two suns in the sky. But it is a ball of destruction, and I tell you, My children, We have been attempting to hold this back with all manner of graces and fasting and suffering. But the Eternal Father says, ‘Look up, My child’; He said to look far up into the sky. Your human eyes cannot perceive yet what is up there, but there is a ball to mankind known as ‘unknown origin.’ But it is not unknown: it is the Ball of Redemption. "Do not be affrighted, My child; you must see this, for it is important. Within this century this Ball will be sent upon mankind." 880618
You will have to bar the doors against evil. Yes, you can be deluded and misled when you do not see the evil about you. It could be, My child, like mass hypnotism." 710617