The Coming Chastisement - revelations to Blessed Elizabeth Canori Mora

The Coming Chastisement

Revelations to

Blessed Elizabeth Canori Mora

of a World That Refuses to Listen
by Luis Dufaur

The appearance of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Fatima, Portugal, in 1917 was not an isolated event.

In an ecclesiastical procession or similar solemn rites, a cortege with an ascending array of dignitaries precedes the principal celebrant. Similarly, a series of increasingly prominent messages from Heaven foretold the preeminent message of the Mother of God.

At Fatima, Our Lady denounced a depravity that called for a chastisement of unimaginable proportions. Such decadence resulted from a process that began at the end of the Middle Ages, an epoch in which "the philosophy of the Gospel governed the states ... (and) the influence of Christian wisdom and its divine virtue permeated the laws, institutions, and customs of the people."1

The Spirit of Darkness that animates this corruption trumpeted his diabolic design through such heralds of iniquity as Luther and Calvin, Danton and Robespierre, Marx and Lenin, the anarchists of the Sorbonne, and today's purveyors of the myriad evils and scandals with which we are all too familiar.

Since the onset of this tendential revolution, saints, popes and other counter-revolutionaries have not failed to sound the alarm. Such providential warnings have even issued from Heaven itself.

Among the portents meriting our attention are the little-known writings of Blessed Elizabeth Canori Mora.2

On the left: painting of Blessed Elizabeth Canori Mora. On the right: brick building in Rome, known as the Selvaggi Palace, where Blessed Elizabeth lived during the first years of the apparitions.

Blessed Elizabeth Canori Mora.

Elizabeth was born in Rome on November 21, 1774, the daughter of Tomas Canori, a prominent landowner, and Teresa Primoli, an aristocrat. In 1796, at the age of 21, Elizabeth married Cristoforo Mora, an attorney. She gave birth to four daughters, two of whom died in infancy.

The untimely deaths of her children were not the only tragadies to befall Elizabeth. Cristoforo, seduced by an immoral woman, abandoned his wife and remaining children. He was arrested by the Pontifical police and sent first to jail, then to a convent. He swore to amend his life but, on returning home, he repeatedly tried to kill his wife. Elizabeth, for her part, offered countless sacrifices for her husband's conversion.

Only after Elizabeth's death, on May 2, 1825, did Cristoforo return to the Faith, leading a life of prayer and penance. He was eventually ordained and died a priest - as Elizabeth had foretold.

"The Justice of God will chastise you."

On Christmas Day, 1813, Elizabeth was transported to a place bathed in light. There, numerous saints surrounded a humble manger, from which the Holy Child beckoned her.

I saw my beloved newborn Jesus bathed in his own blood. At that moment, I understood why the blood of the newborn Divine Infant had been spilled - the bad conduct of many priests and religious who did not behave according to their state, the poor education given children by their fathers and mothers.3

The angels conducted Elizabeth to secret lairs where clerics conspired to topple thrones and destroy the remnants of Christian civilization.

I saw many ministers of the Lord who renounced one another, furiously ripping from their person the sacred vestments. I say the holy altars torn down by the very ministers of God.4

I saw the Sanhedrin of wolves that surrounded the Pope and two angels weeping. A holy boldness inspired me to ask the reason for their sad lamentations. Contemplating the city of Rome with compassionate eyes, they replied, "Miserable city, ungrateful people, the justice of God will chastise you."5

"The entire world was in chaos."

The angels showed Elizabeth the destruction that God has in store for a world that refuses to heed his words.

Thunderbolts of divine justice flamed about me. Buildings fell into ruin. Cities, provinces and countries - the entire world was in chaos. One heard nothing save voices weakly begging for mercy. The number of dead was incalculable.6

What most impressed Elizabeth was the sight of God as a giant.

His omnipotent hands were filled with bolts of lightning. His face was resplendent with indignation. His gaze alone was enough to incinerate the world. Neither angels nor saints accompanied Him - only His indignation.7

Of this vision, Elizabeth wrote, "Had it lasted more than a moment, I surely would have died."8

On the left: His gaze alone was enough to incinerate the world. On the right: Saint Peter's square on the day of Blessed Elizabeth's beatification, on April 24, 1994.

"The Mother of God did not implore God for mercy."

On June 13, 1917, Our Lady showed Lucia, Francisco, and Jacinta her Immaculate Heart, surrounded by thorns, symbols of the wounds inflicted by our sins. Elizabeth was also shown how grievously our sins offend the Blessed Virgin. Seeing the sorrow in Our Lady's eyes, she asked her why she grieved.

"Contemplate, O daughter," Our Lady replied, "Contemplate the great impiety."

Hearing these words, I saw brazen apostates boldly seeking to wrench her Holy Son from her most pure bosom. In face of this outrage, the Mother of God did not implore God for mercy, but instead called for justice. Robed in inexorable justice, the Eternal Father turned his indignant gaze toward the world. At that moment, nature convulsed and the world lost its bearings as it sank beneath a misery beyond imagination.9

"Woe to those who embrace the condemnable philosophies of our day."

On July 6, 1815, God again revealed to Elizabeth the chastisement brought down on mankind by "rapacious wolves in sheep's clothing, bitter persecutors of Jesus Crucified and his bride, the Church."

The whole world was in convulsion, especially the city of Rome. At the Sacred College, some had been dispersed, others humiliated and still others ruthlessly assassinated. The clergy and nobility suffered similar fates.10

On June 28, 1820, the feast of Saints Peter and Paul, Elizabeth beheld the Prince of the Apostles descending from Heaven in pontifical vestments and escorted by a legion of angels. With his crosier, St. Peter drew an immense cross upon the Earth; on each of its ends verdant trees appeared enveloped in brilliant light. Here the godly - religious and lay alike - found refuge from the torment.

Yet woe to those religious who scorned the holy rules, because all will perish under the terrible scourge. This applies to all who embrace licentiousness and the condemnable philosophies of our day.11

"With a wave of his right hand, He will punish them."

Elizabeth continued her account of her fearsome vision:

The firmament was covered with a tenebrous blue, a terrifying sight. The wind's impetuous breath was felt everywhere as its violent roar - like that of a ferocious lion - echoed across the globe.

Terror will reduce men and beasts to utter fear, and they will kill one another without pity. The avenging hand of the omnipotent God weigh down on these miserable souls, and He will chastise their shameless pride and impudent temerity.

With a wave of his hand, He will punish them, setting loose from Hell legions of demons to scourge the world, executing the demands of Divine Justice.

Because they surrendered their souls to Satan and allied themselves with him to strike against the Holy Catholic Church, God will permit these iniquitous men to be chastised by ferocious demons who will devastate every place where man has affronted and profaned Him.12

"I will reform my people and my Church."*

Thanks be to God, the similarity of these supernatural manifestations a century apart does not end with their depiction of the catastrophic chastisement awaiting those who mock God and his laws. Like the consoling promise of the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary given us at Fatima, the message of Blessed Elizabeth offers the faithful cause for hope.

After the purification described above had been accomplished, Elizabeth saw Saint Peter descending from Heaven on a majestic pontifical throne. He was followed by Saint Paul, who "traversed the world to imprison those malignant infernal spirits and bring them before the holy Apostle Saint Peter who, with authority, confined them to the dark netherworld from which they had been released. Then a beautiful radiance shone above the Earth, announcing the reconciliation of God and man"13 and the remnant of faithful Catholics were led from their place of refuge to the throne of Saint Peter.

The Saint chose the new Pope, and the Church was reformed to the precepts of the Gospel. The religious orders were reestablished, and every Christian home was permeated with such zeal for the glory of God that all acclaimed the triumph and honor of the Holy Catholic Church.14

Thus Our Lord would fulfill what He had confided to Elizabeth in 1821:

I will reform my people and my Church. I will send zealous priests to preach the Faith. I will form a new apostolate. I will send the Holy Ghost to renew the earth. I will reform the religious orders with holy men and women who possess the spirit of my beloved son Ignatius. I will give a new Pastor to my Church who, with holy zeal, will reform the flock of Christ.15

"Finally, my Immaculate Heart will triumph."

Blessed Elizabeth dies nearly a century before Our Lady's appearance at Fatima in 1917. Yet her visions and revelations - only touched upon here - are even timelier in the twenty-first century. Like Fatima, they warn us of the coming chastisement of a world that refuses to listen to God and his Church.

Also like Fatima, they console us with the promise that the glorious Reign of Mary, which Divine Providence has been preparing for centuries, is forthcoming; that Our Lady's Immaculate Heart will triumph!

  1. Pope Leo XIII, encyclical Immoratale Dei, Nov. 18, 1885.

  2. Blessed Elizabeth Canori Mora was raised to the altars by Pope John Paul II on April 24, 1994. The theological censor had pronounced her writings free of error on May 11, 1990. (See below.)
  3. La mia vita nel Cuore della Trinità - Diario della Beata Elisabetta Canori Mora, sposa e madre, (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1996) p. 158-160.
  4. Ibid., p. 164.
  5. Ibid., pp. 193-194.
  6. Ibid., pp. 257-258.
  7. Ibid.
  8. Ibid.
  9. Ibid., pp. 411-412.
  10. Ibid., pp. 285-286.
  11. Ibid., pp. 489-493.
  12. Ibid.
  13. Ibid.
  14. Ibid.
  15. Ibid., pp. 524-526.

Editor's note:
This article was adapted from, "Um século antes de Fátima a Providència já anunciava" by Luis Dufaur in the Brazilian magazine Catolicismo of May 2002.

Official judgment of the writings of Blessed Elizabeth.

On May 11, 1990, the ecclesiastical censor entrusted by the Holy See with the examination of the manuscripts of Blessed Elizabeth Canori Mora issued his formal judgment. He affirms, "In all the writings of the Servant of God Elizabeth Canori Mora there is nothing contrary to the Faith and good customs, nor is therein encountered any altered or deviant doctrine, or doctrine foreign to the common and customary sentiment of Holy Mother Church."

He does, however, observe that objections might be made as regards "certain visions and revelations that refer in particular to greater and lesser prelates of Rome, which include rather gloomy descriptions and are of such dimensions that they would seem more suited to cause scandal to the faithful and to offend pious ears."

In order to dismiss this eventual objection, the ecclesiastical censor clarifies, among other things, that "lamentations of this kind, at times expressed in even more vibrant language, are nothing new in the writings of the Servants of God in which, if it be sad to witness corruption among the people, it is even more deplorable to witness it among the ministers of the sanctuary."

After explaining how difficult it would be to attempt to prove the visions of Blessed Elizabeth false and how easy to show their authenticity, he concludes, "The words of the Servant of God, rather than being offensive to the ears of the pious, ought to be considered very useful, especially to priests who read them."

The zealous censor also expressed his desire that "the autobiography of our Venerable Servant of God might be published as soon as is possible and convenient," for these pages "will not fail to be equally advantageous to many souls of good disposition not inclined to slight the marvels of God in his saints." (From Sacra Ritum Congregatione, Beatificationis et canonizationis Ven. Servae Dei Elizabeth Canori Mora. Rome: Typographia in Instituo Pii IX, 1914.)



"There is a secret of Heaven and another one of earth, and the latter is terrifying. It will seem as though it were already the end of the world. And in this cataclysm everything will be separated from the sky, which will turn white as snow. " - Jacinta Marto (child-seer of Fatima, Portugal) on her deathbed to Mother Godinho, February, 1920

Veronica - Jacinta's prophecy before she passed on--she's one of the children of Fatima--and that is the secret of Heaven and the secret of earth: the Warning.* - Commentary, September 28, 1973

*In light of further developments since, it could perhaps pertain to the Miracle as well.

"It is true that I gave a final message [to Mother Godinho], but I, too, could not give the date--only to warn the world that a great Warning would come to mankind. It would be a great cataclysm Warning, and then there would be a great Miracle. And after that, if nothing changes and man continues to offend the Father, He would have to start this terrible, terrible trial. For there will be a great War and there will be a great, terrible Chastisement." - Jacinta Marto, June 8, 1974

"Jacinta warned you of the affairs of Rome. Now one remains to be fulfilled, the secret of Heaven and earth. I have entrusted you with this already, and I have asked you to prepare yourself and those you love for this eventuality." - Our Lady, December 30, 1972

"There will be a tremendous explosion, and the sky shall roll back like a scroll. This force shall go within the very core of the human. He will understand his offenses to his God." - Our Lady, June 12, 1976

"All who remain in the light of grace will have no fear. They will pass through this great Warning without suffering." - Our Lady, April 5, 1975

Veronica - It's as though everything has exploded in the sky - the flash! And it's very hot! It's very warm! Oh! Oh! It feels like a burning. Oh! Now the sky is very white. Colors--blues, purples--it's like a huge explosion. Now this voice, the voice. . . . And the voice, Our Lady says, is a voice within you: "Your warning before Chastisement! Flash, fire, and the voice within you. The final Warning before Chastisement!" - Our Lady, April 21, 1973

"My child, you speculate much about the coming Warning. I have asked you many times not to speculate on dates, but I give you one indication that the time is ripe. When you see, when you hear, when you feel the revolution in Rome, when you see the Holy Father fleeing, seeking a refuge in another land, know that the time is ripe." - Jesus, September 14, 1976

"As the day follows night, so shall this Warning follow soon. Beware of the sunrise! Do not look up to the sky--the flash! Beware of the sunrise! Do not look up to the sky--the flash! Close your windows; draw your shades, remain inside. Do not venture outside your door, or you will not return. Pray! Prostrate yourselves upon your floors! Pray with arms outstretched, and beg for mercy of your God the Father....
"Keep blessed candles, water, blankets, food within your homes. The candles of those who have remained in the state of grace shall not be extinguished, but the candles in the homes of those who have given themselves to satan shall not burn!" - Our Lady, June 12, 1976

"Wear your sacramentals, and retire now into a life of prayer and self-sacrifice. This will please the Father much and mitigate much of a Warning to you." - Jesus, December 7, 1973

"It is from the merciful heart of the Father that you will receive a great Warning. Man will feel that the very powers of the elements have shaken the very foundations of his being, so great will be the impact of this Warning from the Father." - Our Lady, September 28, 1974

"If it was not for My Mother Who steadily holds Her hand upon Mine in sorrow, I would let My hand fall and the Warning come upon mankind. It is not to be asked for, because you know it is coming, My children. It is to be prayed against, for there will be those who will die in this Warning." - Jesus, October 1, 1988

Veronica - I see the huge ball and the sun; it's a ball of fire. And this is another ball of fire. And a piece now is broken off, and it's hitting into the sun. And there--oh! Oh, it's an explosion. Oh, I can't look! Oh! Oh! Everything seems so still, and I see people now holding onto the chairs in their houses. Everything's rocking. It's like the very foundation is rocking in the houses. And they're all frightened. And many are running into the streets. - December 24, 1973

"The Warning which will be sent upon man must be effective; and in the mercy of the Father, a great spectacle will then be placed in the sky for all to see....
"You must cleanse your souls of all sin, mortal and venial." - Our Lady, December 24, 1973

Veronica - I can't repeat it? It's beautiful! Oh!
Our Lady - "My child, many will see and still not believe, so great is the darkness of the spirit. Believe what you see at Garabandal*!
"No, My child, it will not be removed by mankind. It has been four long years, but I promised you that you would see this, My child.
"The forces, the evil forces, My child, of 666 will lead a band of fools against Garabandal*.
"The majesty of God will be much evident at this time. Should this great Miracle be cast aside and rationalized by atheistic, scientific man, I assure you, My children, the Chastisement will come upon you with great force." - Our Lady, July 15, 1974

"The hill on the meadow is a holy place. 'C' will be there with the holy light, a flaming cross in sword-like formation." - Our Lady, March 24, 1972


BEGINNING IN JUNE 1961, the Blessed Mother appeared for over four years to four young girls in a small village of 300 people in the Cantabrian Mountains of Northwest Spain called Garabandal.

Below are some interesting facts known about the Miracle: It will take place on or between the eighth and sixteenth of March, April or May on a Thursday at 8:30 p.m.; it will be within a year of the Warning, and Conchita, one of the seers, will be able to announce the date eight days before it occurs; it will take place on the feast day of a martyr of the Eucharist (who is not a Spaniard, and bears a name that is rare to the Spanish; it will coincide with a great event of the Church; and the local Bishop will get a personal sign before the event and lift the ban on priests going up to the village.

Conchita speaks of the Miracle in Garabandal magazine: "It will be visible to all those who are in the village and surrounding mountains; that the sick who are present will be cured and the incredulous will believe. It will be the greatest miracle that Jesus will have performed for the world. There won't be the slightest doubt that it comes from God and that it is for the good of mankind. A sign of the Miracle, which it will be possible to film or televise, will remain forever."

Next Directive - #44 The Occult

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Pope John Paul II blesses workers of Our Lady of the Roses Shrine...

Pope John Paul II blesses workers of Our Lady of the Roses Shrine...

Pope John Paul II gave his blessing to the Our Lady of the Roses Shrine…

One of Veronica’s close workers, Vincent McDonnell, on a special mission to deliver the Bayside Message to the Holy Father, had a singular grace and privilege to greet and briefly speak to the Holy Father at the General Audience on October 24, 1979.

Pope John Paul II personally accepted from his hands a large envelope containing the Bayside messages of Our Lady of the Roses and Our Lord. A yellow Rosary blessed by Our Lady and given by Veronica gift wrapped the precious package.

This remarkable event, as related by Vincent McDonnell, unfolded in this manner:

“The Holy Father said to me (on being handed the envelope): ‘What is this?’ I said to him: ‘The Rosary is a gift from Our Blessed Mother, and in the envelope are the Messages of Our Blessed Mother given to Veronica Lueken, from Our Lady of the Roses Shrine, Bayside, New York; and could you kindly read them.’ The Holy Father said: ‘I know about it.’ At this time I asked for a special blessing from the Holy Father for all of Our Lady’s workers. The Holy Father said: ‘I bless you, your family, your relatives, and all your friends back home; and I place you all under the protection of Our Blessed Mother.’

“The conversation lasted for a couple of minutes…. I thought it prudent not to say too much, being satisfied that he knew about the Shrine and that he had personally received the Messages into his own hands.”

A picture of Vincent McDonnell at Our Lady of the Roses Shrine with Pope John Paul II miraculously appearing in it...

The picture at the right was taken of Vincent McDonnell wearing a white beret on his head and standing beside the Statue of Our Lady of the Roses at Bayside, New York. The Statue of Our Lady mostly disappears except for a little blue in the lower right hand corner of the picture. But covering the majority of the Shrine Statue you can see miraculously appearing in the picture a side profile of Pope John Paul II looking downward. You can also see a string of Rosary beads in the lower left-hand side of the picture. This photograph was taken within one year of Vincent's meeting with Pope John Paul II. The picture was taken with a Polaroid SX70 camera which is tamper proof. It appears that Heaven is attesting to the authenticity of the meeting.

Our Lady of the Roses awesome Bayside Prophecies...
These prophecies came from Jesus, Mary, and the saints to Veronica Lueken at Bayside, NY, from 1968 to 1995.

"Your successor to Peter has been chosen well. We sat him upon the throne of Peter for the principal reason to return My Son's Church to its original state.
"Understand well, My children, that he is also a human being subject to error. But this does not mean that he is to be subjected to derision and hate, until you build up a fire within the hearts of those who are seeking to destroy him. Better that you pray for the Holy Father than to deride him.
"Do not question him at this time, because I assure you, My children--as he will tell you in due time--I, too, have appeared to the Holy Father." - Our Lady, September 27, 1986

Veronica - And next to it, I see the Pope, John Paul II, standing there. He's looking all about. And he's stretching out his arms, like this, and saying: "My children of the world, pray for me." - Pope John Paul II, September 14, 1985

"Up to this time, My child and My children, you know full well that the wishes and the directives from Rome, from the Eternal Father in Heaven, through Pope John Paul II, they have been cast aside, each and every individual going his own way and making My Son's House a shambles." - Our Lady, March 18, 1983

"Yes, my child and my children, tell the world immediately that the Holy Father suffers greatly, for he, too, has been given insights in visions to know what lies ahead for him. But he is willing to suffer all for the salvation of souls and the good of the Holy Church." - St. Michael, November 1, 1985

Open Letter from Our Lady of the Roses to Pope John Paul II...
"Remember always your heritage, even unto martyrdom, for of such trial are many led to sainthood. Accept as your strength Hyacinth, and follow his lead, or the great Chastisement shall be set upon mankind.
"Will you not help me again, My son? Convert Russia. Do not hasten to promote division in My Son's Church. Save the world from the great flames of the Ball of Redemption that fast approaches your world and mankind." - Open Letter from Our Lady to Pope John Paul II, November 25, 1978

Grave warning to the detractors of Our Lady of the Roses:

Jesus - “Better that a man has died in the womb of his mother than to disgrace and to bring discredit to My Mother (Our Lady of the Roses).” (11-22-75)

Directives from Heaven...

D7 - Pope John Paul II PDF Logo PDF


Pope exhorts young not to fear terrorist attacks or war...

Pope warns that War could bring a 'Religious Catastrophe'...

Pope warns of a world without spirituality

Letter of Mother Godinho to his Holiness, Pope Pius XII -Excerpts from

Excerpts from

Letter of Mother Godinho to his Holiness,

Pope Pius XII

(original letter is currently in Lisbon, Portugal)

I am the godmother of Jacinta Marto, the seer of Fatima, who made me privy to the following secret, which I have kept religiously for many years, but now as I feel death approaching, I wish to communicate it to Your Holiness. Under oath I guarantee that what I say expresses purely and simply what I heard from her, and which forms my secret. Here is the essential part. “Mother, tell the Holy Father that the world is troubled and Our Lady can no longer hold back the arm of Her beloved Son, Who is very offended by the sins committed in the world. If, however, the world decides to do penance, She would come to its aid again, but if not, chastisement would infallibly fall upon it, for its lack of obedience to the Holy Father.”

Jacinta then asked me to tell the Holy Father and His Excellency, the Bishop of Leiria, that the house I occupy at Fatima ought to be called, “the House of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima”, and that the sisters of this order, after their approval, were to take the name of “Claretian Sisters of Mother Mary da Costa,” and that they would keep united to the Vatican to prepare for the year 1972, because the sins of impurity, vanity, and excessive luxury would bring great chastisements to the world, which would cause great suffering to the Holy Father. “Poor Holy Father!” she would say.

I could hardly believe these things; but Jacinta insisted, saying: “Godmother, tell the Holy Father that Our Lady wishes this work to be the apple of the Holy Father’s eye, try therefore to talk to him about it”; and among other things she said: “Our Lady wants there to be at the Cova da Iria a house for Her, the Mother of God, and that the Sisters who go there imitate Her virtues, and expiate for the sins committed in other religious houses.” Among other things Our Lady told the seer: “In this house there will be rigorous silence, only what is absolutely necessary will be said, and nothing more; nothing will be done without permission of His Holiness, and the religious who live there under Our Lady’s roof will imitate the virtues of the Heavenly Mother; they will have no contact with the world and they will live a very retired life, and it will behoove them to pray particularly for the Holy Father, uniting all their penitential practices to the Vatican, for the intention of…”

I, a Sister of Saint Francis, Maria of the Purification, to whom the seer Jacinta revealed these things, understood nothing of these things, but it seems to me that she meant that wars would stop in the world only when men also finished.

At this moment I said to Jacinta that the Holy Father knew very well what he had to do and that Our Lord and Our Lady would inspire him so that it would be superfluous for me to tell him what the seer related to me. But she went on talking, and she said that the triumph of Our Lord still had to come, but beforehand there would be many tears, because in the world His Holy Will is not being accomplished. And she told me that she was distraught at not knowing how to express it better, but she wanted to try anyway: “There is a secret of Heaven and another of the earth, and the latter is frightening, it already seems like the end of the world and in this cataclysm everything will be isolated from Heaven, which will become white as snow.” [read more]

Our Lady said that we must pray much and perform many “mortifications of the senses” (give up many things) because this is very pleasing to Our Lord, that we must love Our Lord with all our heart and respect priests because they are the salt of the earth, and their duty is to show souls the way to Heaven. She also recommended often to the seer that I do nothing without the permission of the Holy Father, and the Most Reverend Bishop of Leiria, and that Jacinta ask me to tell Your Holiness, among other things, that Our Lady appeared to me here at the orphanage several times, and that she also appeared to the seer, before the latter went to the hospital of D. Estefania, and at this moment Jacinta felt such harmony that it seemed to her that she was already in the presence of God, and already enjoyed eternal glory for all eternity.

This long but loyal exposition which I have made, being concluded, the humblest of your servants casts herself at the feet as she kisses your ring, full of respect.

Mother Maria of the Purification Godinho

April 25, 1954

St. Theresa's revelation at Bayside: Jacinta of Fatima told Mother Godinho Third Secret, but . . .



"There is a secret of Heaven, and there is a secret of earth. Prepare now for the coming redemption with your baptism of fire." - Our Lady, September 14, 1972

"Jacinta warned you of the affairs of Rome. Now one remains to be fulfilled, the secret of Heaven and earth. I have entrusted you with this already, and I have asked you to prepare yourself and those you love for this eventuality." - Our Lady, December 30, 1972

A killer comet hovers - At least a billion people will perish

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A killer comet hovers - At least a billion people will perish
(Click to hear the actual message)

24th Anniversary of Our Lady’s Appearance at Bayside - June 18,1994

Veronica - The sky above us is becoming very lighted. Oh, it’s in the - the light is very, very mysterious. And as it’s coming forward, it’s forming a huge, brilliant, diamond, glowing star, a beautiful star.

Now the star itself is opening up and there, as though coming from a picture portrait - I can’t place it in words exactly, how to describe this to you - a tremendous star. And right in the center of it - it’s covering now the whole sky above us, over our heads, and I would say also to the rear of our heads.

Oh, and Our Lady is coming directly through that star. She’s stepping down as though She was held up on the pedestal there. Our Lady is stepping down and She’s looking all about Her. It’s not still up there; there seems to be a wind because it’s blowing Her skirt back and forth.

Our Lady looks so fragile and so beautiful. And there’s a light emanating from Her. There’s a light shining that makes Her look so beautiful that there are no human words to describe.

Now Our Lady is looking up and smiling. I, I understand She is looking at what just went overhead and making quite a bit of noise [an airplane]. Now Our Lady is smiling, and She’s coming down to almost now - very close to us. And Our Lady touches her finger to her mouth.

Our Lady - "My child, I am coming this close because of the multitudes. I do not in any way wish to be disturbed by their seeing Me en masse, My child.

Five see Our Blessed Mother

"I know you have often asked me to appear to others to make your mission shorter. However, My child, I must go under the direction of the Eternal Father, and He wills it at this time that no more than five be given this sighting. You will explain everything that I tell you, My child, of this visit."

Veronica - Now Our Lady is turning to Her right and looking over. And now I see something that Our Lady has in Her hand that I never noticed before during all the years of the apparitions. She has a crucifix - no, not exactly a crucifix, but a cross like mine. But there’s no corpus on the cross. Our Lady is smiling.

Now She is placing the cross right next to Her, and the strange thing about it, I don’t see the cross setting on anything like a table. It’s just suspended next to Our Lady by the air. That’s the only way I can explain it. Our Lady is shaking Her head, yes. Now Our Lady is placing Her finger to Her lips.

Our Lady - "My child and My children, and especially you, My child Veronica, I wish to explain to you the urgency of calling you upon the grounds this evening.

"Your strength is not as proficient for you as in the past, My child. I would advise you to not try to do too much at one time. I know, My child, what you are saying interiorly to Me, that I do not feel that I am losing any strength. That is because what you will and what you can suffer do not coincide, My child. I will ask you in your own language to take it a bit easy. We do wish to keep you upon the earth for some time.

U.S. embroiled in another war

"Now, My child, you will tell mankind that there is a terrible punishment scheduled for the earth. If you, My child and My children, all who hear My words, will go forward as soldiers of peace this time, because - I say peace, because your country will soon be embroiled in another war.

A war to the finish

"Your prayers must rise to Heaven, and I will accompany them before the Eternal Father. Perhaps, My child and My children, there is hope for mankind. The next war will embroil many nations. It will be a war to the finish. Man has gained much knowledge, not to prevent destruction, but to maintain it for their own gluttony, their own loss of face, and for the belittlement of his fellow man.

"Know, My children, the Eternal Father watches, and We in Heaven are all knowledgeable of what is in store for mankind. The Ball of Redemption hovers now in your atmosphere. It is through the will of the Eternal Father that I come to you this evening to warn you that the Eternal Father grows weary of your reasoning, of your lack of faith, of the despoiling of your children.

"Parents, your children will one day scorn you if you do not show them a true expression of love and give them the seeds of the Faith. Without these seeds, they will be lost to mankind and to Heaven.

"My child and My children, do not be afeared at My words. I do not come to punish nor to make you grieve. I come as a Mother of truth. Heaven cannot allow the despoilment of the young souls. All parents who do not guard their children’s souls as well as their bodies shall be held accountable in their last days.

"My child and My children, I often cry in My time and My trip throughout the world. I know what is in store for mankind. Several years ago I brought you the knowledge of the Ball of Redemption. Though you cannot see it now, it still hovers over the world. I ask you now, can you not turn from your ways of despoilment? Your children are suffering as they are left to roam, to make their own decisions without the guidance of the family.

Ball of Redemption sent unless

"My child and My children, please, the Ball of Redemption shall be sent upon mankind if he does not heed the measures that I have given you tonight to save your country and other countries of the world. Little children are left to roam, to make their own decisions while the parents go merrily on their way, not thinking of the souls that they had to guide. Many parents have now lost their way. They have become embroiled with mankind and not God.

"Parents, teach your children the words of the Bible. Make the Bible a necessary book in your home, not something that may be given to you as a gift by mankind, but as a gift from the Eternal Father. Read this Book to your children. They are thirsting for the knowledge from God. Only you as parents can save them.

Parents must discipline children

"Do not feel, parents, that you are doing unjustment to your children when you reprimand them when they do wrong. You must keep a stern attitude also toward the rearment of your children. Many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption. How many will be saved, the count is only known by the Eternal Father.

"My child and My children, please, I ask - I’m willing to beg you as your Mother to save your children and also in the end, save your own souls.

"My child, you will sit back and wait, because I have a great surprise for you in a short while, but I am now stepping back as I have a conversation with someone, My child, who you know."

Veronica - Oh, over Our Lady’s side, on Her left side, I see the sky opening up and - oh, it’s Jesus! He’s standing right next to Our Lady on Her left side. And He’s wearing a long, sort of an ecru-colored gown and sandals. I can see His feet from down here. He has on brown sandals. They look like leather; I think they’re leather.

And He has on a cape, an ecru, almost white-colored cape over His gown. It’s quite, it’s quite a bit chilly over here. That is why I would assume that Jesus is wearing His cape.

Now Our Lady is placing Her first finger to Her lips.

Our Lady - "My child, sit back and rest. I am not finished with the discourse with you, but now you must read some very important photographs."


Veronica - Right now I see a large star up above the tall tree at the right side of the banner. Now this star is growing very large, an exaggerated form of the star. But oh, I can see why because the star now is covering the whole area of the trees, beyond the trees and down towards us; it seems to be increasing in velocity or whatever you want to call it, this expansion of the star.

Now oh, right in the center I can see Him now - I know who it is because He did say He would come late this evening. I know it’s Jesus.

Now He’s coming closer, He’s coming closer now. I can see Him very clearly now. He has a beautiful golden - tinged robe about Him now. It’s pulled very tight, I don’t know if it’s because of the wind or what, but He’s pulling the gown about Him to prevent it from flying up, I guess. It looks very windy there.

And the robe over His gown has - it’s tinged in some kind of fur, but it’s sort of scintillating, or sort of shining. I never saw anything like that, as though there were some fragments of diamonds in the fur. I never saw anything like that on earth.

Now Jesus has come over by the tallest tree, directly in front of us there. Jesus is standing there. I can see He does have shoes on, some kind of slippers.

Now He’s looking all about Him, and He appears to be smiling. That, of course, makes me feel very relieved. I didn’t know why He came so late tonight, but He’s smiling. And now He’s placing his fingers to His lips, like this, which means to listen and repeat.

Jesus - "My child and My children, My Mother* had an urgent message for you, and I come now at this late evening not to enlarge upon it in full. All I can say to you is you must all pray more now, if not for your immediate families, but for those you know who are not in the grace.

Circle of light

"My child and My children, I do not come for a lecture to Our children upon earth. All I can say is I want and I wish that all of you would pray more and by good example bring others to Us. I call all of Our children here this evening the circle of light.

A great trial soon

"There will come upon the earth a great trial soon. Many will be lost. I will not enlarge upon it because you, Veronica, I have told you countless times not to discourse on the punishment.

"Now I want you to listen to Me quietly, My child, I have something to tell you. You will not repeat it until I tell you. "

Veronica - "Yes....No. Real - Oh, no - I don’t know....Does it, does it have to happen?... I understand. It is something so horrible that it can’t be spoken of."

Jesus said that I must repeat that many have forgotten the warning given through countless earth - years of the coming of the Ball of Redemption. Many will die in the great flame of this Ball of Redemption. Only the prayers of those who care for their fellow men have prevented this from coming sooner.

Go forth as angels of light

Jesus - "My child and My children, I come as an emissary from God the Father, My Father and the Father of all mankind upon earth. I wish at this time to stress anew to you that many must go forth now as angels of light - angels certainly My children, without wings, but no less an angel."

Veronica - "Now Jesus is looking all about Him. He looks very calm; He doesn’t seem angry or anything, just very calmly looking about. He said:

Scientists bewildered

Jesus - "You will continue, My children, with the prayers of atonement. And I must tell you the time is, in earth time, growing short. There will be a great Chastisement sent upon mankind. You will recognize this when you find out in the atmosphere a huge, immense ball of light. Do not be affrighted, My child. Your scientists will be bewildered. It is the little people who will know the truth.

"Now, My child, you will sit back and rest. But remember, the message to the world is urgent. I do not want to place upon you, My child, the burden of knowing the full results"

*On Wednesday, June 22 at 10:15a.m., Jesus exclaimed to Veronica in locution: "She is the Star of Heaven." In the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady is invoked as the Morning Star, symbolic of Her brightness and preeminence in Heaven.

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"There is a secret of Heaven, and there is a secret of earth. Prepare now for the coming redemption with your baptism of fire." - Our Lady, September 14, 1972

"Jacinta warned you of the affairs of Rome. Now one remains to be fulfilled, the secret of Heaven and earth. I have entrusted you with this already, and I have asked you to prepare yourself and those you love for this eventuality." - Our Lady, December 30, 1972

"The Ball of Redemption shall take from your earth three-quarters of mankind"

"The Ball of Redemption shall take from your earth three-quarters of mankind"

September 28, 1976
Eve of SS. Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, the Archangels

Veronica - The sky is becoming a most beautiful blue. In the center of the blue, a circular coloring of blue all about the sky bordering on the trees—oh, it is just beautiful—the light is becoming more brilliant. It's a circular light, and directly in the center there's a brilliant, diamond-like star emerging deep from within the sky. It's coming out—it's definitely a huge star, a brilliant, gleaming white—oh, very intense in color, the star is. Oh, now it seems to be floating directly up over our heads, and Our Lady is coming forward.

Oh, Our Lady looks beautiful! And behind Her, behind Our Lady, the sky now is becoming filled with figures of angels. Oh, they are dressed in gowns of different colors, beautiful pastel shades of blue, pink, a very pale lilac. And their gowns are trimmed in a border of gold, a gold cord-like trimming all about the edges of their gowns.

Now in the front I see very small cherubim-like angels, youngsters. They have wreaths on their heads, of roses. They're very small roses, rosettes.

Now the little ones, they're holding banners in both hands across their chest. And written on the banner is "GLORIA," G-L-O-R-I-A, in gold. "GLORIA, GLORIA, GLORIA." The three little cherubims in the front are holding these banners. They're a silken-looking, scroll-like banner that covers from hand to hand on each of their chests. There are three. Now they're coming forward, and I can see the writing much more clearly: "GLORIA, GLORIA, GLORIA."

And then, now over to the right, there is an angel. I don't recognize him. I assume it's a 'him.' It's very difficult to say whether it's a 'he' or 'she,' because I cannot see their faces, only their outlines. But he—I do feel it's a 'he'—has a banner much larger than the ones held by the cherubims, and it says: "IN EXCELSIS DEO," D-E-O, E-X-C-E-L-S-I-O-R. It looks like "DEO." Oh, it's beautiful! And his banner is shimmering. I find the letters very difficult to read, because he's moving from right to left and back again, showing everyone the banner he holds.

Now behind Our Lady, there are—Michael is standing. He's far in the background because of his massive size. He's covering the whole sky in the background. And over on our left side is Gabriel. I know Gabriel, because he's holding this very strange-looking horn. It has a very thin, long blowing part, the horn part, but at the bottom—it runs from where he would blow into it at his lips, and it's running now to his feet and curling up. It's a very peculiar-looking horn. And over on our right side by the first tree, directly above it, is Raphael. Now he's standing and holding out his hand, like this, and he's holding what appears to be a dove, a small white dove.

The air seems to be alive—there's no way I can explain it—with sounds of beautiful music. It sounds almost like being at a High Mass in the Church of Jesus. Just beautiful! Now there is a chorus of voices. They're young voices, the purity of the sound. And I can't understand the words, but it's the most heavenly type of music. I could not explain it in human words.

Our Lady now is coming forward. It's quite windy, and Her gown, Her beautiful gown—Our Lady is dressed all in white, but with also the gold trimming similar to the cherubims and the angels all about Her mantle. Our Lady's mantle is above Her head, and it cascades over Her shoulders down to Her feet. I can see Our Lady's feet just coming out from under Her long gown. Our Lady has on the most beautiful golden slippers, and directly on the front, in the center, there is a small golden rose, a rosette, very tiny.

Our Lady now is holding Her Rosary, Her beautiful Rosary with the golden Our Fathers and the white Hail Marys in Her right hand, and She's extending the Rosary and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

Our Lady - "My children, this is a time of great rejoicing in Heaven, for We have much to be thankful for, even in Our great sorrow of the times. Many have joined Us in Heaven to enter into the battle ahead, the battle against the forces of Antichrist. Louis Even is among us, and many others whom in time their names shall be disclosed to you, My children.

"In the realms of Heaven there are many stages to reach perfection. The highest place in Heaven, My children, is the beatific vision of the Eternal Father. I mention this in fact to you, My children, because there is a prevalence of much error now in your world teachings. The pastors, the shepherds whom We have given control over Our flocks of young souls, are leading many into error, and placing these young souls on the road to eternal damnation.

"You must not, as shepherds, compromise My Son's House. I say compromise, because you are contaminating the pure waters; you are bringing in errors that can lead to almost—I say almost—a complete destruction of My Son's Church.

"Recognize, My pastors, the signs of your times. You have fallen asleep. Delusion has been set upon you because of pride and arrogance. O Our sleeping pastors, you have fallen into error because of pride and arrogance.

"Repeat, My child, the message of your times given to you in the past:

The end is not as far as you can see;
Already there is apostasy.
Man cast his lot and gathered the coals,
To stoke the fire that burns the souls.
The days are numbered, the hours are few;
So work and pray, and try to do
The work that's given in the light,
Until that sad time when all is night.

"My child, many exhortations and warnings have been given to mankind. You must go forward and refresh their memories. Many have forgotten the warnings from Heaven, for they go about saying, 'Where is the promise of His coming, and where are the warnings that you speak of and write of?'

"O My children, you are truly blind! These warnings have been given for time, and an extension of time to mankind before the major catastrophe shall be sent upon you, the baptism of fire. You have received these warnings that have gone by unnoticed: floods, hurricanes, fires, disasters, accidents that are not accidents, earthquakes in places that have never experienced such terror before. How many warnings must the Eternal Father send upon mankind before they will awaken and do penance?

"Prayer, atonement, and sacrifice, My children—is this too much to ask of you, in the realization of what you are going to pass through?

"In Rome, the Eternal City of the Father, there is much confusion, error. And heresy, O mournful heresy! Whatever shall become of you?

"I cry bitter tears; I cry tears of a Mother Who watches with a pierced heart as Her children are fast plunging themselves into a mass confusion and self-destruction promoted by satan and his agents.

"My children, satan, who lives in the supernatural world that you in your human nature cannot see unless the Eternal Father permits you to see for reason, he works through persons, places, and things, My children. Any soul that has fallen out of grace, a soul that has transgressed into mortal sin, may be used by satan for the destruction of other souls. The sin of pride shall bring destruction to many in My Son's House.

"What manner of abominations do you, Our pastors, permit in My Son's House? You are recrucifying My Son. You work like rodents to destroy. You are subversive to undermine My Son's House. Restore it before it is too late!

"Can you not strip yourselves, O pastors, of your pride? Can you not humble yourselves and admit you have worked in error, rationalizing sin, rationalizing error to the destruction of the young souls and those entrusted to your care? Pastors, shepherds, you are scattering Our sheep!

"The prophets who have been sent to you in the past ages of time, they gave you the building from the foundation, My Son. You are allowing the walls to crumble. You are changing the Book of life, your Bible, to suit your own purposes. Do not allow those who do not have the grace of the light to write and rewrite the Bible.

"My children, My Son, His heart is pierced by the manner in which many come to His House with disrespect, apathy, and using His House as a meeting place for all manner of abominations. In due respect on this night of the feast of the high angels in the eternal Kingdom, they demand—and Michael commands—that women must cover their heads during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. It is not through custom that this is asked of you. Do not be deluded by satan, My children. Women must cover their heads in respect for the Sacrifice of My Son, in respect for all laws of your God and not of man; for man now, My children, is setting up his own laws, his own rules, and man shall destroy himself in this manner.

"The foundation is solid, My children. The gates of hell shall not prevail against My Son's Church. Though those who follow the light must go through a crucible of suffering for the restoration of My Son's Church, know, My children, that the eventual victory is with My Son.

"My children, you are not alone in your struggle. There are many armies of light now rising, with Michael to guide them, throughout your world. Persevere in the days ahead, My children, for you are truly children of the light. And, My children, you must remain within yourself, and not give yourself to the world, for what do you have in common with children of darkness?

"You must expect to have a road filled with thorns, My children. Pick up your cross and carry it; follow My Son. The road to Heaven is a narrow road. Many turn and leave it and find the way back most difficult.

"Your years upon your earth are very short, My children. Do not sacrifice your life eternal; do not sacrifice your entrance into the Kingdom of Paradise, the Eternal Father and the saints, the angels, and all who have received the light and treasured this light on the road to Heaven.

"Those who have entered the Kingdom, My children, have never faltered, have gone forward step by step, gathering the graces necessary for the preservation of their souls and the souls of their children and their loved ones.

"In all charity I ask you, My children, to remember your brothers and sisters throughout your world. Many shall not remain on the road to Heaven because there is no one who will pray for them. The power of prayer is great, My children.

"All prophecy given to you, My children, is conditional to man's response. Remember this in the days ahead.

"In Rome there are gathering forces of evil. We call them, My children, the red forces. Unless the children of light upon earth can reach into these areas of darkness, there will be a great trial set upon Rome. The forces of 666 are raging throughout your world. They have entered into the highest places of government and in My Son's Church. Do not be deceived by the rank and position of a man upon earth. Rank and position do not—"

Veronica - Oh, my goodness! Now—oh, Our Lady is pointing. Directly over on the right side, there are two figures emerging. I'm not happy at seeing them. They seem very ominous. These two figures are carrying golden keys, but they're like, they're holding the keys out and they're crossing them, but not across the chest. They seem to be unified in—it's like soldering the two keys together in a cross. Now these two—I know they're bishops—they're wearing very high mitres upon their heads, and they have about their chest a cross, but the crosses that are upon them are black, a very ominous-looking cross upon their chest.

Now over on the left side—their right side, our left side—there's a huge building now coming through the sky. Oh, my goodness! It's Saint Peter's. But there seems to be an explosion of some kind, and the building is now dividing—oh, my goodness—dividing in two sections, almost like some kind of a quake has hit it. But no—it's strange, it seems more like it's been divided by blood. Oh!

Our Lady - "The blood of martyrs, My child."

Veronica - Our Lady said, "The blood of martyrs."

Our Lady - "Pray, My children, for there is a great decision coming upon mankind. I cry bitter tears of remorse and anguish. It is not the wish of Heaven that there be a division in My Son's Church. Pray, My children.

"The way back is very simple. O shepherds of Our flock, return to your teachings. Set aside your false pride, for pride will always come before the fall. It is a simple rule and lesson given to you by your prophets, the founding Fathers of My Son's Church, chosen by Him. Bring back these rules of discipline. Do not set upon the world this heavy cross of division in My Son's Church. Do not experiment. Cast out the heretics. Cast out the secret societies. Cast out from among you those who have given themselves to satan. Cast out with excommunication the heretics."

Veronica - Our Lady now is moving over, and She's sitting down now. She's sitting down on what appears to be a large rock. Now Our Lady is very upset. She's placing Her hands on Her face; She's crying.

I notice as Our Lady bends down Her head, the roses are falling from Her crown. And now I can see the roses have fallen from Her crown. But Our Lady is wearing a very high golden metallic crown beneath the roses. It is a very unhappy, sad sight.

Our Lady is looking up and pointing. And there is Saint Peter's, just torn asunder, torn with strife.

"Division in My Son's Church," Our Lady says, "division. O woe, woe, woe!"

Now the sky is getting very dark. It's like a great deep darkness is settling all over the world. But I can see little lights, little candles that are—they seem to be floating in the sky now, going all about the sky.

Our Lady now is over, She's still over sitting on that rock on the left side. And Our Lady now is holding now in Her hand—She's placed out Her hand, and someone I can't see in the darkness has given Her this very large candle. Our Lady is holding the candle. Now Our Lady is looking over.

Our Lady - "My child, give the message quickly throughout your world. Shout it from the rooftops. I have given you, the Eternal Father has graced you with the sight of what can be, My child. Send the message out with great haste, that you and all who are living do not become a part of the scene you have viewed, My child.

"Sit back, My child, now. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer for your country and the world. Pray for your Vicar. Pray for your bishops. The Red Hats have fallen and the Purple Hats are being misled! Do not be guided by a clenched fist. Recognize that evil, satan, has entered upon My Son's Church. Send him out with a constant vigilance of prayer. Restore My Son's Church! The walls are crumbling; restore it with the truth."

Veronica - Now the sky is almost black. Our Lady is sitting still on the rock.


Our Lady - "My child, do not be concerned of the opinion of man. Do not involve yourself with worldly seekings. I assure you, My child, you have all you can handle to do the work that Heaven has given to you. Your mission is gathering speed. Work with perseverance, My child.

"I would advise you to seek more time for quiet meditation, My child. Do not be concerned in the short lulls that come into your life, My child. I assure you, it will all appear before your very eyes.

"I cannot give you permission, My child, to approach your Vicar at this time, but be patient.

"Now you will read the photographs, My child, and the rest must be—remain in secret."


Veronica - Michael is over on the left side, directly above the statue and the tall tree. He's covering the whole left side of the sky, straight across the head of the statue, up above it and over.

Now—oh, over on the right side, coming through the darkness, I can see Jesus emerging through the—it's almost like a panel of black. And ... but the light that is coming from within Jesus, there's no way to explain it. He's all lit up, like He's all aglow.

Now Jesus has on a burgundy-red cape. It's very windy, because the cape is blowing. The wind must be blowing over from our right to left, because Jesus' cape is being carried over across His shoulders. Jesus has on a beige-colored gown with a cord-like rope, a tan color, about His waist. And He has on sandals. His feet are bare, but He has on, it looks like skin-like brown leather sandals with two straps across the toes. I don't know how they're held on. I can only see the straps that go to His toes.

Now Jesus is removing the cape. It's like a cape that covered His head. It seems to be all one piece, like a parka almost, a covering. And now Jesus has placed it down. And His hair is very long. He's smiling; Jesus is smiling now. And He's starting to talk; I can see His lips moving. And oh, how close I am to His beard! Jesus has a short beard; it's very well trimmed. And He's smiling. And I can see that there is a small growth on His upper lip. Oh, my!

Jesus is now touching His lips with His first finger; that means to listen.

Jesus - "My child and My children, this should be a time of great rejoicing in celebration for the angels. The Eternal Father has given to you friends, My children, guardians for your lifetime upon earth. Do not cast them aside. Do not accept mankind's attitude that has been promoted by satan. Mankind has sought to reject these protectors, to send them out from among you.

"Remember, My children, the words given to you through My Mother, direct from the Eternal Father and the Kingdom of your God. You have been given sacramentals, and you have been given living guardians to be with you through the whole time of your existence, your life upon earth. They can be your protectors if you will allow them. Do not trade them in for the adversary, satan.

"My children, there have been voice-boxes chosen from among you to send throughout your world the Message from Heaven. I assure you, My children, this message that has been given to you must be acted upon, for it will all come to pass in reality. All warnings from Heaven were conditional and are conditional to man's response.

"Your God is a loving God. The Eternal Father does not seek to bring destruction upon mankind. You cannot understand in your human nature the ways of the Eternal Father, My children, but trust in Him. Believe and you will be given the way.

"The foundation is solid, My children. I am the way. I am among you. The light will not be extinguished among you, regardless of the efforts by men of sin to extinguish this light.

"The truth in Faith and Tradition has been given to mankind. Change shall bring nothing but error, confusion, and the destruction of souls. If you, My pastors, continue upon your present course, you will bring the bark of Peter through rough seas. You are now setting it afloat, and in your plan known to Heaven, you prefer to send the captain away, and allow the bark of Peter to flounder. However, yea I say unto you, O ye of little faith, I know I remain within you regardless of your rejection of Me. When I chose you from among men to represent Me upon earth, you were a special one; and regardless of your rejection of the light, I shall use you, My pastors, for no evil shall ever be triumphant.

"Awaken from your slumber, My pastors. You are misleading My sheep. The truth lies hidden deep in your heart. Open your hearts to the light. Do not reject this light and bring darkness upon your world, darkness of spirit.

"All manners of abomination are being committed in My House under the guise of false humanism and modernism. Were you not warned in the past about the errors that can be set loose by these methods? You reject them because of science. You rationalize sin until sin has become a way of life upon your earth. And what does it gain you as you run about, going to and fro gathering your coins, filling your coffers, building great palaces. And for what? To be destroyed because of sin, lacking a true purpose. And what form of religion and worship are you building? A utopia of man? No! I say unto you: you are fast plunging to your own destruction.

"You will not change My Church to suit the basic foul carnal nature of mankind, but you will change mankind in the manner that I directed you through the ages, and bring mankind to Me by the light.

"My pastors, you shall not give as your excuse for your false teachings, a rule of obedience! And who are you being obedient to but satan? Shall you stand before Me and say that your teaching has been pure in My sight? I say unto you, I shall spit you out as vipers into the flames!

"You, pastors of little faith, you have become symbols of worship among yourselves. Man is now building his own cross. Shall you set up man to be worshipped in the body? And what has become of the soul?

"The Eternal Father will chastise those He loves. Are you, in your arrogance and pride, wishing this upon mankind? O My children, take the blindness from your hearts, and look upon the destruction you have wrought within My Church, within the hearts of those who trusted you to guide them. You have taken this trust given to you by Heaven, and what have you done? You have cast it aside, and you, too, My pastors, shall meet the fate of the fallen angels. Many mitres shall fall into hell!

"Man shall not be deluded. Man shall not believe that My suffering upon the cross shall guarantee an entrance into the Kingdom regardless of the state of that soul. Oh, no! Man must make his way to the Kingdom by merit.

"I give you fair warning, the few warnings that are left to you, to turn back now and restore My Church. Do not look back and wonder of the reaction of mankind, for no man shall save you when you come over the veil to be judged.

"Think, O pastors: Shall you stand before Me and say that your teaching has been pure in My sight? All who cry 'Lord, Lord,' shall not enter into the Kingdom, for I look into your hearts and I find you wanting.

"My children, you must pray for your pastors. You must pray for your leaders of government. Much worldly power has been given to them, and many are using this power for the destruction of souls. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer. Go forward as disciples of your God. Many shall receive sainthood in these days, My children.

"Persevere in the days ahead, My children. Do not slacken in your quest for souls. My Mother shall always be with you in the battle ahead. She has been sent to you as a Mediatrix between God and man. Do not reject Her message as you have done in the past. Can you not learn from your past in your history? Must you continue to make the same errors?

"Now you are bargaining with the final count, My children. For as night will turn into day, and day will fall into darkness, that day will come when you will cry out for mercy, and it will be too late. The Ball of Redemption shall take from your earth three-quarters of mankind. Your country, America the beautiful, has not witnessed a massive scale of destruction and death. Is this what you call down upon yourselves? You, My children, hold the balance.

"Pray a constant vigilance of prayer in your country and in the countries throughout your world. Pray that satan does not poison the minds of those in power in such a manner as to bring a faster destruction upon mankind.

"The forces of evil are gathering. 666 now controls all the world; and sad to say, My children, 666 has entered upon Rome, and the fight for power has begun. Pray for your Vicar. Pray for all men of sin. And above all, My children, pray for your children, for many parents shall shed tears of great remorse—too late!"

Veronica - Jesus is placing His hand now in front of Him, like this, with His three fingers extending, and He's making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

Now it's very windy. And Jesus is going over across the left side of the sky. Our Lady now is coming forward. I didn't see in which direction She came, but Our Lady now is coming right up behind Jesus, and Michael is following, and Gabriel and Raphael, and all of the cherubims, the small, beautiful angels.

The sky is becoming very bright now. The terrible fear that gripped my heart—the beauty of all the angels seems to just fill you with courage and hope, and the wonder of knowing what lies beyond the veil.

Jesus is smiling now, and He's placing His hand out, like this, with the three fingers extended: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

Jesus - "I bless you all, My children, as the Father blesses you, and sends among you the Spirit of light."

Veronica - Now Jesus and Our Lady—Our Lady now is just in front of Jesus to His right, and They're going across the sky. Now They're just—and Michael is high up over Jesus' head. He covers the whole sky. He's a tremendous size! Oh, beautiful, though; he looks absolutely beautiful!

Now Jesus is just above the first tree, and He's bending down now and He's extending His hand out, like this: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

Our Lady is placing Her Rosary now in front of Her with the crucifix, the large golden crucifix, and She's making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

Jesus - "Continue now, My children, with your prayers of atonement. They are sorely needed."


Veronica - ... beautiful voices. The music is so beautiful. It sounds like thousands of voices.

The sky is covered ... oh, it's just ... oh, I, I don't know the count, even, of the angels—there are so many of them. Oh, and they all are like different sizes. They're all standing on steps now. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine steps. They're almost standing like in ladder formation, for they are beautifully placed, and they're—oh, it's fantastic!

They are dressed in long gowns; every one of them has on long gowns. And over on the right side, I count the nine steps up. Oh, my!

Michael is standing right behind the whole group. He covers the whole sky from left to right. Oh, the size of his head! Now I can't see his face; it's so bright I can't see his face. But oh, he has this hair—oh, it's metallic; it's a golden color, very close-cropped to his head. And his—there's no way of explaining it—it's huge. His head's very large, and his shoulders go from one end of the sky to the other; he just covers the whole sky. He's a true warrior of Heaven. It's fantastic! Oh, but beautiful; it's not scary. It makes you feel just wonderful, looking at him. Oh!

Now Raphael and Gabriel, they're smaller. They don't seem to be as awesome as Michael. Michael is huge! Oh, it's beautiful.

Now there—I don't know where the music is coming from. I don't see them singing; they don't seem to be moving their lips. But the most beautiful music—it's like a chorus, but I never heard this before. It's—oh, it's beautiful! It feels like you're inside of a church, the music.

Now it's becoming very gray. The sky is getting a very misty color—it's like smoky. A gray smoke and haze is starting to form now.

"Oh, don't go away!"

Oh, the sky is like it's fading away. It's just like evaporating. Oh, my! It's beautiful. Oh, those colors are just beautiful! Now it's becoming very dark; it's a dark gray.

Our Lady is now coming forward on the right side.

Our Lady - "My child, continue with your prayers of atonement. There will be a time in the future when you will understand everything. However, you must remember, My child, that much must be kept secret, for it would no longer be sacred.

"One more photograph, My child, before the evening."